Very unique r&b artist, Gigi, has changed the standard perception of music, by incorporating her comedic self and her distinctive ways for creating her sound. With her bubbly, free-spirited personality, we got a chance to dive into her thought processes and what her music is all about.
What is your creative process when making music?
I like to relate music with the sense of appetite, I know it’s weird, but it’s the way I work when making new music. Every beat, lyric, melodies and sound flow through my sense of taste like when making a recipe for a new pastry.
What influenced your latest project(s)?
LENTO was influenced by how I perceive success. No matter how long, how hard or how challenging things are to achieve success in life, the key phrase is to ‘believe in yourself’. Only one life is granted to everyone unless you have returned from the dead.
Are there any people who inspire your work?
Yes. Her name is Avril Lavigne. Female pop rock singer. She’s been my teacher since the beginning of her career on her documentaries of her daily routines of productions. Her pursuit for making great records taught me how to be persistently great in each production as if it’s the last one. I love her for being part of my growth.
What message would you want your listeners to receive from your work?
Man, that everybody’s unique. Each person should wonder about the mystery of life there’s a lot of experiences we go through and take for granted without paying attention to details. What I mean is, you should be busy pursuing your own happiness.
Have you faced adversity within your career? How do you handle that?
It’s what has helped me grow. It’s never going to be easy to stand strong around things or feelings you can’t control, it’s okay. My motive in this matter relates to every single person who has been born, HAS NEVER BEEN EASY to bring out from a mother to the world; if you don’t believe me, ask your mother. Key phrase “No Pain, no Gain”.
How do you promote your music in these trying times as an artist?
I mainly consider to be always aware of the people; followers' feedback. Once I have that first step setup, then I can follow up with the next procedure for promoting other ways. The important idea here is to know what the hell you're selling!
Are there any other artists you would love to work with?
TEDDYHITS. He’s Nigerian beat maker I got to meet in a live stream on Instagram. I choose him because he works with Afro beats which somehow syncs with my essence of making melodies; they’re fun and catchy for dancing along with cultural elements from different tribes I find super interesting.
What can fans expect from a show if they bought your ticket?
As I mentioned before, I love comedy even though I’m the worst joke maker ever. I love the combination with my music in every show I do. People love the vibe since they’re looking to have a good time and have fun along with a quality artist.
What do you want to achieve by being an artist?
I already achieved what I wanted. I’m a music chef artist! This is my life, my motive to get up every day and cook something new. Simple as that.
When should we expect another masterpiece from you?
When this quarantine lockdown opens the doors to be free from my house prison, I will be able to continue what’s held for my next project coming soon. We are due for new music dishes ready to be consumed.
- Georgette Smith